Good old joke

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Rear Admiral
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Good old joke

Post by Naruto »

I was browsing the UFDF's old forums and stumbled on this post, i found it funny :P

You Might Be A Trekkie!

1. If you've ever been in a fist fight over who is better Captain Picard or Captain Kirk...

2. If you think that Captain Janeway is sexier than Princess Leia...

3. If your fantasy includes Lt. Uhura sitting on the edge of your bed saying "Hailing frequencies open"...

4. If your screen saver says "Resistance is futile, you will be assimilated"...

5. If you find yourself in a jam and say "Scotty, beam me up!"...

6. If you believe that Ross Perot owns a copy of the Ferengi Rules of Acquisition...

7. If you believe Ross Perot is a Ferengi...

8. If someone says good morning to you and you answer "Ka Plah!"...

9. If you know the proper Vulcan greeting and response...

10. If you can tell the difference between a Vulcan and a Romulan...

11. If you can name all the people who have ever been captain of the Enterprise...

12. If you think Q-Tips is a self-help book written by a certain Star Trek villain...

13. If you have the Klingon version of Hooked on Phonics...

14. If you find a hairball and think it's a Tribble...

15. If you believe there is an alternate universe where you are captain of the Enterprise...

16. If you learned to pick up women by watching Captain Kirk...

17. If you keep flipping open your cell phone hoping to get a communique from Scotty...

18. If you here someone say "he's an enterprising young man," and you look for his communicator...

19. If you get in your car and say engage...

20. If you believe George Lucas is the Anti-Christ...

21. If your girlfriend tells you "it's either me or Star Trek!" and you wave good-bye...

22. If you think Hillary Clinton would look good in Lt. Uhura's uniform...

23. If you wrote in James T. Kirk for President with running mate Pavel Chekov...

24. If you walk into your kitchen and look for a replicator...

25. If you think Kahless will come back before Jesus Christ...

20 and 25 crack me up :D
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