UFP Back to Green Alert

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UFP Back to Green Alert

Post by Exeter »

Just before last weekend a PM was submitted to the Fleet Executive with a screen-shot indicating {UFP} Adm Hathaway was planning on attacking us [UFP] including hacking our forums. This was not substantiated, but the security of this fleet and its assets is my main concern so I ordered the fleet to yellow alert. This only increased our readiness but precluded any aggresive action against {UFP}.

We then reviewed another screen-shot that indicated {UFP} Adm Hathaway canceled the attack as we were prepared. We maintained our Yellow Alert status.

While all this was happening the possible threat was being investigated. Early evidence indicated this may be a hoax, but we had to be sure. A message was dispatched to {UFP} Adm Hathaway. I was initially informed there was no response but I have since learned Adm Hathaway responded promptly. {UFP} had no involvement and were the victims as were we .

Our investigation continued, and we determined it was a hoax, that an individual was purposely trying to start a war and frame another [UFP] officer. This individual was confronted and did confess.

As a result of this [UFP] has returned to status Green. I apologize for any concerns that may have been had. We are committed to peace. Our first action was to increase our defensive stance and then investigate the facts. We will not ever arbitrarily start a war, and will endeavor to resolve the issues peacefully. I regret {UFP} Adm Hathaway deemed it unnecessary to respond to resolve this issue, but our diligence uncovered the hoax and we remain at peace.
// signed //
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Re: UFp Back to Green Alert

Post by Shroombuck »

Read and understood, sir.
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Re: UFp Back to Green Alert

Post by Ciaran »

Good stuff. I have informed our allies of our status
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Re: UFp Back to Green Alert

Post by Costello »

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Re: UFp Back to Green Alert

Post by delta »

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Re: UFP Back to Green Alert

Post by Picard »

I would personally just like to kick some ass. It's a gaming community after all I for one believe differences should be settle in professionally fought wars, it isn't like anyone can truly be harmed. However {UFP} would never face us/me in game so that is out of the question, probably best for their sake.

On a more relevant note I am rather glad that the UFP security department has once more prevailed. Good work.
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Re: UFP Back to Green Alert

Post by Costello »

[UFP]Picard wrote:I would personally just like to kick some ass. It's a gaming community after all I for one believe differences should be settle in professionally fought wars, it isn't like anyone can truly be harmed. However {UFP} would never face us/me in game so that is out of the question, probably best for their sake.
I agree, peace is quite tedious.
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Re: UFP Back to Green Alert

Post by Carbonizer »

I wouldnt call it a peace as hostilities still carry on with digs not just from Hathaway but {UFP} as a whole. Their propaganda nonsense bores me and in a way that bothers me as its blatantly one side of the story...Hathaways. Whatever happened he obviously doesnt want anything to do with this clan and/or diplomatic relations despite whoever is offering the so called "Hand of Friendship" on behalf of the council/[UFP] as a whole. Whatever way shape or form, we should just ignore them as we have done. He is going to be stubborn about it so let him have his fun and games, he has to give up his "crown" sometime though. When that time comes maybe then we should seriously consider talks with them. Right now, its just being pushed to one side without a second thought despite their "responses". So forget them and lets move onto the people who really do matter in the community.

I will add though, I am just sick and tired of Hathaways horse crap and general ignorance that is if you ask me flaming us.

Also, if your reading this Hath, up yours.

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Re: UFP Back to Green Alert

Post by delta »

I share Picard's and Carbonizer's sentiments.
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Re: UFP Back to Green Alert

Post by TParis »

I am retired now, so my opinion doesn't really matter. But I would suggest the officers that are sladering {UFP} make sure they are not being hypocrites in their slander. Fleet Admiral Exeter did not intend this thread to be an attack on {UFP} but rather to explain our sudden yellow alert and his regrets it couldn't have been solved sooner through diplomatic channels. Keep in mind that last I checked, {UFP} have not recently slandered us in public and now you have made us into the aggressors by your hateful statements. I suggest keep in mind that the Code of Conduct considers treason to be any act that tarnishes the image of our fleet or instigates war and is a category 1 offense punishable by dishonorable discharge and I would recommend that you keep your opinions private and respectful.
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