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Hello again from STX Star Trek Xtreme!

Posted: Thu Mar 18, 2010 3:19 am
by STXBernprint
Hello to everyone in [UFP]! I had a great time again flying around the galaxy once again and stopping by your forums. I am glad you stopped by to let us know the news of your new fleet admiral. I have been having a great time lately in STO and cannot wait to upload the new 45 day patch. But I am very excited to be able to get to go to Las Vegas coming up this August for a huge star trek convention. It is from August 5-8 and over 70 guest celebreties are coming. Here is a link for more info.

We have several fleet members going as well. I am currently on the idea from the Stonewall fleet to hopefully get a conference together for a fleet meet-up at this time as well so we could meet irl.

Please let me know if you have any questions. I do hope we can get together more these upcoming days and have some fun between our 2 fleets.

P.S I was also wondering if someone could update your diplomacy page to include our NAP between our 2 fleets. May you live long and prosper.

Re: Hello again from STX Star Trek Xtreme!

Posted: Thu Mar 18, 2010 8:56 am
by Kelbie
Welcome to UFP, my name is Pixy. I am the Acting Ambassador of diplomacy in UFP. First of all, I’d like to thank you for dropping by and I don't see why both of us can't enjoy each other’s support in STO. At the moment, our website is under development and will need time to get our information sorted. I’ll talk to Warspite about that as well.

If you have any questions at all? please let me know. If you can't get a hold of me? My Acting Executive Warspite will be here to help.

Enjoy your time here, thanks.

Admiral Pixy.

Re: Hello again from STX Star Trek Xtreme!

Posted: Thu Mar 18, 2010 11:41 am
by warspite
Welcome back Admiral :) ,

I'm Ambassador Warspite acting XO of diplomacy. As Pixy has said if you require anything just let me know and I'll help in anyway I can.

I hope you enjoyed your visit here.

Re: Hello again from STX Star Trek Xtreme!

Posted: Thu Mar 18, 2010 11:54 am
by STXBernprint
Thanks for responding so quickly good luck with your reforming your site. I do hope you gentlemen might have time this August to go to the convention would be a great way to meet people from all over the world. I know as it's almost still 6 months away you might be able to get a Captain's package which does cost 399.00 but covers all 4 days of the convention and you get a special gala party and dessert night with the stars. The link is in the first post.

Maybe we can play together this saturday as we are hooking up with the Stonewall fleet for a fleet action against the crystalline entity. This will be at
Crystaline Entity Fleet Action

Saturday, March 20th

EST 12:00 PM 5:00 PM 10:00 PM
PST 9:00 AM 2:00 PM 7:00 PM
GMT 4:00 PM 9:00 PM 2:00 AM

Let me know if you ever have any questions email is

Re: Hello again from STX Star Trek Xtreme!

Posted: Thu Mar 18, 2010 12:43 pm
by Kelbie
Sure, i'll be doing the that as well. Maybe we can help eachother to take out that entity, i won't be long getting that mission as well.

Re: Hello again from STX Star Trek Xtreme!

Posted: Fri Mar 19, 2010 9:17 am
by STXBernprint
No problem Pixy this is the communique I recieved from the Stonewall fleet in response to killing the enitity:

Captain Bernie Burger,
The Crystaline Entity has been spotted in Alpha Centauri Sector near the Romulan Neutal Zone. Stonewall Fleet has been tasked with stopping this threat. I cannot under estimate the danger this poses on the Federation citizens in the area. Every time the Federation has enountered the Entity, it has left thousands of dead citizens and destroyed planets in its wake.

At all cost, we must prevent it from taking any civilian lives.

We will meet in Alpha Centuari Sector and engage the enemy en masse. We will attempt to make peace with the Entity, but if that fails, Starfleet Command has cleared us to use any means necessary.

If we engage the enemy, keep your ship at a distance of 7 - 9 Km. The Entity will attempt to fire shards of crystal at your vessel and the distance will allow your Tactical Officer time to target and destroy the shards before they make contact with your shields. Whatever you do, do not use projectile weapons, only energy-based weapons. Using projectile weapons may heal the Entity. If you destroy one of the Shards using a Torpedo or Mine, it will return to the main body and heal it.

This is a major task that Starfleet Command has placed on our shoulders. And after talking with you, spending time with you and fighting beside you, I know that Stonewall Fleet can accomplish this goal and protect the Federation people.

Fleet Admiral

Re: Hello again from STX Star Trek Xtreme!

Posted: Fri Mar 19, 2010 4:05 pm
by Kevak
Hmm, I might have to try to make it to this fleet action...I would be nice to conquer that entity for once!