In the face!

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Re: In the face!

Post by McManus »

Bishop, rank is meaningless in this forum: I cant find the post (I'm not going to spend all day looking for it) but that precedent was established by Jesse. As for respecting Berlusconi: I will not respect a President who changes - what I shall broadly term - 'corruption laws' to suit his own favour (namely to make something he was being tried for that was previously illegal now legal), I will not respect a man who consorts with children and I will not respect somebody who hijacked the Presidency of a country (he was voted out and collapsed the replacing party using his media outlets).

As for Eurolanders: The EU hasn't had it's accounts cleared for over a decade (if a business were this lousy they would face charges: fact), the EU has a policy of shuffling stupid and corrupt individual from one post to another - even when the whistle has been blown (Neil Kinnock anybody?), the EU is just a band of pathetic left wing countries who have got their beggars bowl out or in the case of the French the CAP.

When Europeans (as a whole) actually get off their lazy asses, stop having siestas, stop dragging our country into the muck, and make something of their countries then I might show respect for them. Until that day comes I will view Europe with disdain.
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Re: In the face!

Post by Bishop »

McManus wrote:Bishop, rank is meaningless in this forum: I cant find the post (I'm not going to spend all day looking for it) but that precedent was established by Jesse. As for respecting Berlusconi: I will not respect a President who changes - what I shall broadly term - 'corruption laws' to suit his own favour (namely to make something he was being tried for that was previously illegal now legal), I will not respect a man who consorts with children and I will not respect somebody who hijacked the Presidency of a country (he was voted out and collapsed the replacing party using his media outlets).

As for Eurolanders: The EU hasn't had it's accounts cleared for over a decade (if a business were this lousy they would face charges: fact), the EU has a policy of shuffling stupid and corrupt individual from one post to another - even when the whistle has been blown (Neil Kinnock anybody?), the EU is just a band of pathetic left wing countries who have got their beggars bowl out or in the case of the French the CAP.

When Europeans (as a whole) actually get off their lazy asses, stop having siestas, stop dragging our country into the muck, and make something of their countries then I might show respect for them. Until that day comes I will view Europe with disdain.
wow... you really don't like us do you?
btw... it's Prime Minister Berlusconi not president, you gave him a higher title than he has :)

and I kinda have a confession to make... I like discussions, I not only like them I sometimes get them started by stating something impopular or I just start poking the bear.

So with out further ado here it is... I am guilty of all you have accused me of in this topic, the confession is that I'm guilty of it on purpose.

Do I belive that rank should be respected both on the forums and in RL, the answer is yes... do I belive that someone should be respected only for the fact that they have a rank and despite their person, the answer is now and forever NOOO.

I might have gone too far and in that case I apologize but I want it made clear that almost all I have stated was for the sake of argument alone and holds no merit in my mind.

Mr. Whiskers you were right, I wanted to spark a discussion on rank and respect (while I was playing dirty :) by putting words in their mouths and using my sexuality as a weapon ) knowing full well that rank holds no merit in these forums AND I was counting on the fact that McManus wouldn't listen to me :D sorry if I overplayed.... btw my ego doesn't require an apology, it's too big to be injured by someone calling me arrogant :D and it doesn't require a rank either to be frank... I know I'm a God amongst men and it will allways be so :D ;)

Ciaran... well what can I say? You caught me red handed, I intended to use it and being ruthless while doing so... all I can say is: respect sir, you managed to see where I were going as soon as I mentioned sexuality... I didn't even have time to make it a real argument. oh... and yes McManus didn't insult Sweden by name, but I needed a 'real' reason to be insulted so I did my best :D

hmm.... what have I forgotten, ah yes Costello... as you might have figured I hold no love for Nick Griffin and the likes of him, I have no respect for the likes of him if he so were the king of Sweden and reverence was a must under law.
just for future referance (and beeing a smart ass, as you know I can be), I am intelligent in fact I am currently studying to get my Ph.D. in Political Science and a Bachelor's degree in Law.

oh yes and lastly I guess I should apologize to McManus for being the target (although being the perfect one for the job) of my little 'outburst'... thank you for making this possible :D

if I have forgotten something please remind me... oh and I hope you didn't get too upset during these heated discussions
Captain Bishop
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Re: In the face!

Post by Ciaran »

All in good fun :P
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Re: In the face!

Post by TParis »

Just for clarification - this forum is considered "off duty", "pips off", "permission to speak freely" arena of radical opinions with little or no fact to support claims where the only rule is that no nudity, hate, racism, or vulguar language occur.
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