In the face!

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Re: In the face!

Post by Bishop »

Costello wrote:
Bishop wrote:
McManus wrote:
Bishop wrote:The PM is a Head of Goverment in a member state of the European Union, he is also a European Citizen.... although I hold no love for him, he deserves respect and so does the rest of us 'Eurolanders' aka Europeans.

And while I know that both of you were joking I do expect you to show respect for a high ranking european official and member of the European Council

If you think I'm too strickt then you sholud have put it in the Entertainment Forum then I wouldn't even have left a comment but in this forum I expect you to show the proper respect that his position deserves.
Respect for the most blatantly corrupt politician in Europe (and that's a hard title to get)? No thanks, this country is being dragged down by a backward European namby-pamby way of thinking and until Europeans grow some balls the only respect I will show for their retarded leaders is laughing at them when they get punched in the face or when they decide to abolish the EU - either or.
Enough Ensign, if you will not respect the person then you will respect the rank, both his and mine.

btw... do not now nor ever, put down all people just because they're from the same continent, country, religion, sex, ethnicity or sexual orentation.

And yes there is corruption in Europe just as in all other countires but my country Sweden is among the least corrupted countries in the world and we're in the EU and we support it...

so I will aske you one last time to show respect, to me, my country, the EU and her leaders.... we have deserved it
I would love to hear your moral fibre against mister Nick Griffin MEP, should we show him respect because he is an elected politician? Should we respect a bigoted fool of a man? He doesn't like homosexuals you know... he finds them an abomination.
I do know and I dislike him and what he stands for (I'm Gay), but I show his position the respect it deserves.... I'll do everything I can to make him loose that position but while he holds it I'll treat him with the respect an MEP deserves

and no Sir, I do not excpect you to respect him, but I do expect that you won't celebrate if/when he is assaulted as well as not curse at all europeans if/when it happens
Ciaran wrote:Not once did McManus refer to Sweden in this thread and he never disrespected it as a country. The EU is not Sweden, it is something Sweden is a part of.
Most politicians are corrupt bastards, there are some who aren't but for the most part they are.
As for telling him to respect your rank....he's been around here longer than you have and has held higher ranks and positions than you. Respect him and he will respect you
I know he didn't name sweden but he did generalise about the EU and btw... I to am a politician and only a very small minority (of politicians) in sweden are corrupt.... and yes Mr. McManus has held higher ranks and positions then I (and probably will in the future to) and I have the out most respect for that... but the fact is that right now I am his superior and I expect him to show me the respect I have shown him when he was my superior.

Whiskers wrote: Bishop, get over yourself. This is the political forum and your rank is irrelevant. You're frankly abusing your rank. Mcmanus holds a different view to yourself, that's no reason to act so arrogant. Respect is given when it is deserved, not because of rank, status or power.
Commander Whiskers, I'll get over my self when I so please.... Mr. McManus's views I have no problem with, what is my problem is how he express those views and eventhough this is a political forum I still hold my rank and is so never irrelevant.
'Respect is given when it is deserved' I agree on a personal level but the rank and power people hold is still important to respect.
BTW Commander, if you belive I have abused my rank then you should report it, you should not be lecturing (a to you) Senior Officer in public.... since you have made the accusation I expect either a hearing or an apology, totally up to you commander.
Captain Bishop
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Re: In the face!

Post by Ciaran »

Violence is part of human nature, if a politician, who is screwing the country gets his just dessert from someone who has the balls to assault them in public then I will standby and laugh because he had it coming, aswell as have a "little" respect for the guy who hit him. Stop being so oversensitive and get over your sexuality already, the whole world now knows so give it a rest. You're not getting special attention because of it.
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Re: In the face!

Post by Bishop »

Ciaran wrote:Violence is part of human nature, if a politician, who is screwing the country gets his just dessert from someone who has the balls to assault them in public then I will standby and laugh because he had it coming, aswell as have a "little" respect for the guy who hit him. Stop being so oversensitive and get over your sexuality already, the whole world now knows so give it a rest. You're not getting special attention because of it.
I wasn't trying to get special attention sir... I just pointed it out as to underline my distaste for a certain politician. and I'll 'get over' my sexuallity just as soon as the rest of the world does, until then I'll use it as an argument, as a weapon and anything else I can think of

btw... innocent untill proven guillty, he might be as guillty as we think him but untill the courts say so, he IS not guilty only a suspect.

and this was an assult, a crime that should never be celebrated, ever... human nature or not
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Re: In the face!

Post by Ciaran »

Stop pushing your sexuality in everyones face. While not all politicians may be "corrupt", most of them certainly would be considered an accomplice. If they get assaulted then maybe they will learn....maybe they will not but petitions and strikes do very little, I can tell you that from experience.
Just to add, don't even think of using your sexuality as an argument against me because I'm Bi and unBIased about this ;)
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Re: In the face!

Post by Costello »

Bishop your argument is utterly fuelled by blindness. Ignorance to a degree.

Griffin was elected from the votes of an abhorrent selection of Nationalist, racist bigots that reside in England - these people represent those that advocate racism, prejudice and would be willing to kill for it. White puritanical sects are an ever present minority in Great Britain and it is these moronic lesser lifeforms that have been granted the ability to vote for the irreverent dickhead that is mister Nick Griffin.

His positions deserves no respect if you evaluate how it was augmented, if you simply believe that because he is an MEP - that he deserves respect... then your capacity for intelligence I find very much in question. The British National Party scraped some seats due to their masquerading PR campaign, hiding behind values such as better rights for the British that were born on home soil, when his agenda is all the more devilish and questionable.
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Re: In the face!

Post by Bishop »

Ciaran wrote:Stop pushing your sexuality in everyones face. While not all politicians may be "corrupt", most of them certainly would be considered an accomplice. If they get assaulted then maybe they will learn....maybe they will not but petitions and strikes do very little, I can tell you that from experience.
Just to add, don't even think of using your sexuality as an argument against me because I'm Bi and unBIased about this ;)
Sir... I have mentioned it in this thread and only ONE other... and in this thread I used it to make a point not to push it in someone's face.... and FYI I never use it as an argument against someone, in an issue mabey.. but not agains a person

Costello wrote:Bishop your argument is utterly fuelled by blindness. Ignorance to a degree.

Griffin was elected from the votes of an abhorrent selection of Nationalist, racist bigots that reside in England - these people represent those that advocate racism, prejudice and would be willing to kill for it. White puritanical sects are an ever present minority in Great Britain and it is these moronic lesser lifeforms that have been granted the ability to vote for the irreverent dickhead that is mister Nick Griffin.

His positions deserves no respect if you evaluate how it was augmented, if you simply believe that because he is an MEP - that he deserves respect... then your capacity for intelligence I find very much in question. The British National Party scraped some seats due to their masquerading PR campaign, hiding behind values such as better rights for the British that were born on home soil, when his agenda is all the more devilish and questionable.
while I get what you are saying I do disagree with you sir... I don't belive that his person deserves any respect but I will show his office respect and in ture him untill he losses it... he is all those things that you called him but I wouldn't have used those words.

And I would appreciate it if you stopped questioning my intelligence. all you need to know on the subject is that I am an intelligent man
Captain Bishop
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Re: In the face!

Post by Ciaran »

You just said
Bishop wrote:I'll 'get over' my sexuallity just as soon as the rest of the world does, until then I'll use it as an argument, as a weapon and anything else I can think of
Me saying not to use it as an argument against me was a pre-emptive warning and to inform you that you're not the only person here that has an attraction to people of the same gender. You remind me of Daffyd Thomas you know
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Re: In the face!

Post by Bishop »

Ciaran wrote:You just said
"I'll 'get over' my sexuallity just as soon as the rest of the world does, until then I'll use it as an argument, as a weapon and anything else I can think of"

Me saying not to use it as an argument against me was a pre-emptive warning and to inform you that you're not the only person here that has an attraction to people of the same gender. You remind me of Daffyd Thomas you know
ok that's a funny comparison :lol:

but I do know that there are other gay people (or bi, transgender etc.)... after all I'm dating one :P
Captain Bishop
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Re: In the face!

Post by Ciaran »

When I said "here" I meant on the forums. And just something I noticed just now. You told Commander Whiskers not to lecture a senior officer in public. You are not a Senior Officer. Seniors are Captain and above. Last time I checked, you are 1 step below and the same rank as Whiskers
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Re: In the face!

Post by Bishop »

Ciaran wrote:When I said "here" I meant on the forums. And just something I noticed just now. You told Commander Whiskers not to lecture a senior officer in public. You are not a Senior Officer. Seniors are Captain and above. Last time I checked, you are 1 step below and the same rank as Whiskers
I know what you meant sir... if you read what I wrote carefully you'll se it says '(a to you) Senior Officer' and with that I meant that I've been a Commander longer then he has and so I claim seniority over him
Captain Bishop
Security Officer

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