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Re: The time has come!

Posted: Wed Nov 03, 2010 8:12 pm
by McManus
wienergobbler wrote:
McManus wrote:I know what your opinion on the subject is, you've told me it numerous times, but I am curious to see if you will defend Slavery (don't worry - you can be honest).
How can you possible think that I look favourable upon slavery? You of all people should know better. Apparently you do not know me at all. The simple fact that I have certain people whom willingly support my household, does not necessary imply that I am in favour of slavery, McManus. There is a perfectly adequate reason why slavery has been abolished in most civilised countries. There is also a massive difference between those that can be called servants and those that can be called slaves.

As the Dalai Lama once said:
"All human beings have the
right to pursue happiness and
live in peace and freedom."
I was not referring to your servants - something which is perfectly legal and not morally ambiguous. I was referring to your views (which you have stated on numerous occasions) in regards to the zenith of imperial Europe and slaves.

Getting straight to the point, you've said to me in the past you would like a return to black African slavery. Which forms a part of my moral argument against Monarchy and nobility: a disconnection with normal people and an inability to view normal people as human beings with equal rights.

I suspect you're about to publicly deny this but those who know both yourself and/or I well enough will know that I'm speaking the truth.

Anyway, I'll respond to your main reply tomorrow.

Re: The time has come!

Posted: Wed Nov 03, 2010 8:19 pm
by Shroombuck
McManus wrote:Getting straight to the point, you've said to me in the past you would like a return to black African slavery. Which forms a part of my moral argument against Monarchy and nobility: a disconnection with normal people and an inability to view normal people as human beings with equal rights.
In all honesty McManus, I do not recall that at all. In the instance I might indeed have said that; it was probably a crude jest and nothing more. Furthermore, I do not see what slavery has to do with a monarchy or with nobility for that matter. One only has to look at a republic such as the United States who abolished slavery in 1833, whereas we as monarchies abolished slavery in 1807 and 1814.

Re: The time has come!

Posted: Thu Nov 04, 2010 5:33 am
by Invincible
McManus wrote:I'll respond to that more fully later but Hans-Hermann Hoppe is hardly a world leading thinker.
On what basis are you making the claim? I'll not for one minute argue that he's as influential and well-known as Hobbes, Locke or even Nozick and Rothbard if we wish to draw a comparison to thinkers of a similar worldview, but that's not sufficient grounds on which to discredit his argument.