Crazy Voyager BC Br# 19 War BR #1

General Status: Condition Green

Moderators: Starfleet Security, Engineering Command

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crazy voyager
Posts: 348
Joined: Thu Aug 09, 2007 8:00 am

Crazy Voyager BC Br# 19 War BR #1

Post by crazy voyager »

Name: Crazy Voyager


Mod: No mutators

Map/System: Space (I think)

Players fought and ships: DD=Sparrow=A3 (Sovreign, Prometheus) vs Me (Rhode Island)

I saw DD sparrow in a server and joined it. The rules were FFA but I went directly for Sparrow who was flying a sovreign. I targeted his bridge and fast fire launcher. He was focusing his fire on somebody else and didn't fire at me. He was soon killed (I didn't get the credit though).
He came back in another sovreign. I once again went for the bridge. He started off with firing on somebody else but he soon turned to me. He didn't last long though as he became under fire from three diffrent ships. I got the kill credit
He returned in a Prometheus, I targeted his sensors. He was still outnumbered and his sensor array was soon disabled. I had started to take some damage though. But he was destroyed before I was (I got the kill).
He returned in another prometheus. This time he managed to destroy me. I returned in another Rhode Island. When I spawned his sensors were out though. He Self-destructed and left the game.


My result, two kills, one death.
He was killed 4 times while I was in the server, I once.
And I must learn to take screenshots of the destruction of the enemy, I wanted to use those but realised I hadn't taken any
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