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Star Trek movie 2012!!!! /Poll Vote

Posted: Thu Jun 02, 2011 8:02 am
by matronix07
Hello Fleet! I found this cool confirmation of the movie getting licensed soon, meaning its in stone and will be out in Summer 2012 (Hopefully no setbacks). Maybe Klingons this time? Hope so. Its gonna be a blast!

Re: Star Trek movie 2012!!!! /Poll Vote

Posted: Thu Jun 02, 2011 8:46 am
by Carbonizer
They should show how the Klingons have been affected and the strain that could possibly be there on both the Federation and Klingons taking heavy hits, granted the Gorn by now must have a hefty fleet considering this around TOS by now right ? The Klingons must be having a tough time and may be forced to begin some form of alliance with the federation due to thier position right now, a large mass of the KDF gone, they surely must be in dire straights. Even the Federation, would be feeling it. With this change, they wouldnt be able to retro fit/upgrade their ships aesthetically due to the low number of ships now available. Yet technilogical advancements should still be available. I have high hopes for this next movie to be honest.

Yes to Klingons. Since the Romulans by now should have no contact other than minimal contact like in the episode 'Balance of Terror'. The Klingons still featured heavily in TOS, TNG and even DS9. This again should follow through to the J.J universe. There may have been changes and such but the Romulans werent really affected. Just the major axis of powers at the time which were the Federation and Klingons. Or at least, what was featured.

Re: Star Trek movie 2012!!!! /Poll Vote

Posted: Thu Jun 02, 2011 10:27 am
by Costello
Abrams has allowed his alternate universe to provide him with a blank canvas. Being this a sequel, there needs to be a familiar adversary and given the warlike nature of the Klingons I feel that such a race would be suitable. Especially if Abrams plans to feature fleet combat, with how intensive one-on-one battles were, I imagine a fleet battle would look spectacular.

Re: Star Trek movie 2012!!!! /Poll Vote

Posted: Thu Jun 02, 2011 2:44 pm
by Spock
Well, Klingons were in the deleted scenes of the first movie.

Re: Star Trek movie 2012!!!! /Poll Vote

Posted: Thu Jun 02, 2011 2:57 pm
by Shroombuck
All this bullshit of going back in time. Nay, says I!

Continue where we left, after Star Trek: Nemesis.

Re: Star Trek movie 2012!!!! /Poll Vote

Posted: Thu Jun 02, 2011 3:15 pm
by Mr. D
wienergobbler wrote:All this bullshit of going back in time. Nay, says I!

Continue where we left, after Star Trek: Nemesis.

I partially agree. But with the Mirror Universe! Where they say, "shroombuck the rules! Let's blow shit up!" :twisted:

Re: Star Trek movie 2012!!!! /Poll Vote

Posted: Thu Jun 02, 2011 3:29 pm
by matronix07
Costello wrote:Abrams has allowed his alternate universe to provide him with a blank canvas. Being this a sequel, there needs to be a familiar adversary and given the warlike nature of the Klingons I feel that such a race would be suitable. Especially if Abrams plans to feature fleet combat, with how intensive one-on-one battles were, I imagine a fleet battle would look spectacular.
I have to agree Admiral Costello, the star trek universe is at a point right now where possibilities are open. With todays graphic technology, a massive and epic battle scene with klingons is right around the corner. Imagine seeing this in IMAX!

Re: Star Trek movie 2012!!!! /Poll Vote

Posted: Thu Jun 02, 2011 3:45 pm
by Alexraptor
It is interesting though, the only ones really impacted by Nero's alterations was the Federation, at least where starship design is concerned.
If you look at the Kobayashi Maru scene you will see the Klingon Battlecruisers hull geometry is still very much faithful to the classic D7/K'tinga design.

Personally i would like to see the romulans, current era romulans.
I mean lets face it, Klingon's have been featured in.... a grand total of 6 of the movies, Romulans only 2 counting the 2009 one.
I for one would love to see the classic Romulan Bird of Prey re-imagined.

Re: Star Trek movie 2012!!!! /Poll Vote

Posted: Thu Jun 02, 2011 10:14 pm
by Felus
Mr. D wrote:
wienergobbler wrote:All this bullshit of going back in time. Nay, says I!

Continue where we left, after Star Trek: Nemesis.

I partially agree. But with the Mirror Universe! Where they say, "copulate the rules! Let's blow shit up!" :twisted:
First off, I gotta agree with these guys, I don't think we needed a reboot. I think there is alot of holes still open for future story lines including DS9. *spoiler alert if you didnt watch the last ep* Sisco is still in the wormhole!

Being on topic, Klingons is a TOS type story like Romulains shouldn't really come in until the Picard era.

Re: Star Trek movie 2012!!!! /Poll Vote

Posted: Fri Jun 03, 2011 8:41 am
by BobO369
Well I'm also tired of the "back in time thing". I think it would have made a better story if JJ when with the Alternate Universe Terrain Empire them. He would have still had a lot of leeway to do what he wanted as there is very little known about it. After all there were only five episodes in total every done, TOS had 1, DS9 had 2, and Enterprise had 2.

That said I did enjoy the new movie and look forward to the next one. I also hope that we get some epic space battles as it has been a while since we got a good Star Trek move with a good space battle in it. IMO Wrath of Kahn was really the last good Star Trek movie with a good battle in it. Nemesis had a good battle but the movie was not up to par. I would like to see something like the Dominion war battles from DS9 on the big screen.

I would love a huge Klingon / Federation fleet to battle it out with the Romulans. This could be the direction JJ is going given that Nero had 20 years to wait for Spock in the new time line. He had plenty of time to share future tech with the Romulan Empire. He also destroyed a large Klingon Battle Group before he wiped out the Federation Fleet above Vulcan. That would leave both the Federation and the Klingons in a weak state while the Romulans could have more advanced ships thanks to Nero’s trip back in time.